Zero Parallel

Affiliate Tips: The Most Frequently Asked Questions about SEO


  1. Let’s get the biggie out of the way: How do I get on the first page?

That’s the million dollar question and rightfully so! It’s everyone’s goal, and as Google continuously changes its algorithms, you must be ahead of the curve if you want to have your website ranked.

  • Backend: Proper backend attention is required, which includes appropriate meta descriptions, optimized photos, drawings, art, and the use of <h> tags. Remember that title tags and meta tags should be different.
  • Social Media: You’ll need accounts, but you’ll need to be active on them, engaging with your audience by sharing key links.
  • Video: Further engage your audience by incorporating video on your website. Think of video as new and fresh content.
  • Sitemap: You’ll need one for Google and one for your users. Make sure you have a robots.txt file that tells Google’s spiders the pages on your site to crawl.
  • Content: Consistent, new, and quality content! Follow best practices for creating it.
  • Keywords: If you’re still unable to get on the first page for a popular keyword, look for lesser searched-for keywords, including long-tail keywords.
  • Mobile: Your website must be mobile optimized. This is now mandatory. Google has announced that there will be an algorithm adjustment coming in May that is aimed at penalizing sites that aren’t mobile ready and rewarding those that are.
  • Research: Examine your site using the Bing and Google tools below. 
  1. What platforms and software do you recommend for better SEO?
  1. Does social media really make a difference?

It’s a little unclear, but the answer is probably yes. You can find conflicting information regarding the importance of social media in SEO ranking, but you won’t find conflicting information about its importance in the modern marketing world.

The first step is to set up your accounts, and then make your links easy to find on every page of your site. Share information with your customers and have them share it with others. It’s a key method to marketing success today, so even if it turns out not to directly impact your ranking, it’ll certainly help your business. Keep an eye out for an upcoming in-depth article on social media with some tips on how to take advantage of it.

  1. Which keywords should I focus on?

The following tools will help answer this question for you.

SEMrush: See what your competition is doing. It’ll give you a very good idea of what keywords you should focus on because they’re going after them, and it will give you some ideas for keywords that you should focus on because they’re not doing them.

SpyFu: Compare your results from SEMrush with SpyFu and see how close they are.



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