Zero Parallel

5 Outrageous SEO Myths Debunked

We’ve written an article before on five of the most common SEO myths you should avoid, but since there are so many misconceptions revolving around content marketing, we’ve debunked five more SEO myths to save you the extra research!

Myth #1: I need an SEO specialist to guarantee my ranking.

Why that’s wrong: Actually, no one can guarantee your rankings—so you’d might as well start practicing this craft yourself. SEO specialists all have to do the same research you do, starting with the most basic aspects, such as content optimization. Some of the best SEO professionals are simply people who have great eyes for marketing. You don’t have to understand all of the technical algorithms to perform outstanding SEO practices. Just remember these five words: Don’t forget about the user.

Myth #2: Blogs are pretty much useless.

Why that’s wrong: Blogs have long been debated regarding their importance to good SEO. However, we advise you to not be quick to push blogs side as irrelevant because they actually present the perfect platform for SEO. With blogs, you can backlink, invite guest blogging to increase traffic, present fresh content to stimulate more crawling, flesh out important keywords and key phrases, link media, and invite social sharing. Blogs are your one-stop shops for branding and marketing.

Myth #3: As long as I link a lot, I’ll get more leads.

Why that’s wrong: Unfortunately, it’s not about the density of links. If that truly worked, we would have linked every single word on our blog to drive more traffic! Rather, it’s the quality and relevance of links that will help you get more leads. When we say “link a lot,” we also mean backlinking. Getting other related websites to link to your pages using natural anchor words will drive higher quality traffic to your site. Consumers who are researching car mechanics will most likely bounce from your landing page if it has absolutely nothing to do with their immediate needs. Always strive for relevance, not quantity.

Myth #4: The more content I write, the more my website will rank.

Why that’s wrong: Writing a lot of content doesn’t always guarantee the best ranking results if your content is low quality and out of focus. This principle is a continuation of the last—always strive for quality, not quantity. If you’re going to write front-end content for your pages, make sure that it’s high enough quality for the public to trust you. If not, your potential lead could very well convert into a bounce!

Myth #5: It doesn’t matter how I go about my SEO, as long as I’m driving traffic.

Why that’s wrong: We’re not just talking about internet ethics here. How you go about your SEO will determine the longevity of your online relevance. Sure, automatically generated content and overloading irrelevant keywords might drive some immediate traffic to your site, but any traffic coming from irrelevant sources will most likely turn into bounces if your content does not fit their needs. Draw in the right traffic by generating fresh content, sprinkled with just enough links and keywords so your headlines, meta tags, and body content won’t appear awkward and unnatural.

With these tips in mind, your next SEO attempts should be a cinch!

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