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Affiliate Tips: When Can You Expect to Get Results?

If you’re constantly publishing new blog articles as a main marketing plan for your website, it can get pretty unnerving when you don’t receive the traffic you want. Without the light at the end of the tunnel to keep you motivated to write more content, your affiliate marketing journey can grow sluggish and weary. Fortunately, there’s a way to foresee your future success! All we’ve got to do is compare your current performance with the previous benchmarks of those who have succeeded in the industry.

Affiliate Tips: Build Your Blog Archive

HubSpot discovered in 2015 that companies with over 400 blog articles got twice as much traffic as companies with less than that number of articles. The more blog posts you write, the more traffic you will garner. The same report also showed that companies with over 400 posts got three times as many leads as companies with under 100 blog posts. Writing that many blog posts takes plenty of time, of course, so we don’t suggest that you ignore your content quality just for the quantity. Low content quality content won’t deliver the conversion rates you’re seeking after. Instead, post high quality blog posts frequently and allow your numbers to accumulate naturally over a period of time.

However, blog posts alone aren’t going to do much for your conversion rates if you don’t pair it with superb multi-channel marketing strategies. Your blog posts will definitely boost your SEO rankings, but your website will gain much more traction if you promote your articles through social media, guest posting, article pitching, and more.

Affiliate Tips: To Get Better Results, Create Short-Term Goals

Big results often come when people least expect it. Up until these successful Affiliate Marketers experienced their first major influx of conversions, they’ve simply been setting short-term goals and accomplishing them one by one. Likewise, you should build a schedule of short-term goals to motivate yourself to keep going. You might not see too many conversions within the first several weeks or even months, but if you make a long-term investment in affiliate marketing by setting short-term goals, you will inevitably start to see results. Digital marketing leader, Neil Patel, recommends new marketers to align their goals with the SMART content checklist. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.

First, ensure that your goals are specific. Find out what you need to accomplish that week, who you need to involve, and how you’re going to do it. A specific goal isn’t to reach 500 new visitors in a week. A specific goal would be: Reach 500 new views this week by writing four long-form articles and pitching to financial blogs, posting on social media, and paying [x amount of money] for advertisement.

Next, your short-term goals will need to be measurable. It doesn’t matter if you think you have the best ideas in the world if none of them are measurable. Measurability allows you to replicate your success and turn it into a consistent and predictable work flow. To make your short-term goals measurable, perform split tests with your various strategies to see which method works best.

In addition to measurability, your goals have to be achievable. They are called short-term goals for this very reason. Even if you’re eager to get fast results, don’t discourage yourself by setting goals that are too unrealistic. For example, if you’re currently pulling in 100 unique visits per day, your goal for next week should not be to reach 10,000 unique visits per day. We’re not saying that’s impossible, but it’s certainly unlikely. Set goals that you can achieve, and make sure those goals all contribute to the same big picture.

This takes us to the next point, which is relevancy. Your short-term goals should be relevant to your overarching objective. It should be progressive in nature; each week trumping the last in terms of difficulty and urgency. If you continue to move forward, week after week, with this same strong determination, you will accomplish your overarching goal of getting high conversions.

Finally, your short-term goals should be timely. Because they are short-term, there are more opportunities for you to time them according to your abilities and your vision for this venture. All of your objectives should have a deadline. This will help to establish a sense of urgency and speed up the process.

Affiliate Tips: Keep Track of Your Performance

It’s good to reevaluate your performance every 3 months and make proper adjustments to your marketing campaigns. Look at your best-performing posts and find out why they out-performed the rest. It’s rarely ever because of luck. Record your findings and apply the same marketing strategies when promoting your next blog post.

If you work diligently and attentively with the help of a weekly schedule, you will start to see results within a month or two at most. Your ‘big break’ might not come until a few months later, but it’s bound to happen if you continue the good work!

To get more affiliate marketing tips and guidelines from us, sign up to become an Affiliate today!

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