Zero Parallel

Affiliate Tips: How to Take Your Campaigns to the Next Level

We understand that Affiliate Marketing is no easy feat. That’s why our team at Zero Parallel is dedicated to helping our Affiliates succeed, whether that means providing a free Lead Management System or offering 24/7 guidance and support. Our commitment to your success has no bounds. That’s why when it comes to campaign optimizations, you’ve got nothing to worry about if you’re an Affiliate with Zero Parallel. In addition to connecting you with the top industry experts right off the bat, we’ll also provide written tips and tricks on how you can take your next campaign to a whole new level. Here are our top recommendations:

Affiliate Tip #1: Emphasize Your CTA

This goes without saying, but your call-to-action (CTA) should stand out the most amidst your other website attributes. The general rule of thumb is to create a CTA that is brief, compelling, and easy to find. Let’s start with brevity. We recommend that you don’t go over 3-4 words per CTA because it might overwhelm the audience. Use the rest of your copy and design to persuade your visitors to sign up; don’t jam it all into the CTA. Moving onto its level of persuasion, make sure that you use strong words that evoke a sense of urgency within the reader. Time-oriented words, such as, “now,” or, “today,” is perfect for evoking urgency because it creates a mental deadline for the reader. Finally, make your CTA stand out from the rest of your content by making it a contrasting color. The trick is to still stay within your color scheme, or at least still be tasteful about your CTA color, while still making it pass the squint test. That is, when you squint your eyes, you should still be able to spot the CTA on your website.

Affiliate Tip #2: Less is More

 The “less is more” rule is applicable to many creative endeavors, and content marketing is one of them. Don’t be afraid to use white space to draw more attention to the content that matters most. The busier you make your advertisement or website, the more distracted your target audience will be by your loud designs. It is generally good practice to be thorough and detail-oriented, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have clean, minimalistic, intentional design. Don’t put an image in the corner of the ad or web page just because it’s empty. That is the very definition of bad design. Always think about your bottom line when you try to optimize your ads. If a certain change doesn’t contribute to your bottom line, you might want to consider it as unnecessary.

Affiliate Tip #3: Work for Email Subscriptions

Even though calls are extremely important, the number one way to ensure that you will be able to nurture and re-engage your warm leads is if you have their email address. Whenever you can, try to incorporate an email subscription option in your web pages and advertisements. Email is still one of the most effective forms of promotional distribution, so take full advantage of this channel and nurture your leads. Entice them to sign up using various incentives, such as a free ebook, online guide, or some sort of gated content that comes at the cost of an email signup. If your incentive is compelling enough, you’ll start racking in the subscriptions.

Affiliate Tip #4: Go Social

Don’t discount social media when you’re placing your ads. In this industry, you might face quite a bit of regulations when advertising on social media, so be extra careful and check in often with compliance to see what you can and cannot do on certain social media websites. Do note, however, that different social platforms have different rules when it comes to industry-specific advertisements. As long as you do your research, you will be fine. Social media, in general, is a fantastic outlet for advertisement because there are so many different groups of people online. If you strike gold on a supportive community of your target audience, that might catapult your business to new heights.

Affiliate Tip #5: Be Careful with Your Copy

You might think that it’s smart to utilize negative trigger words to relate to your audience, but the use of negative trigger words actually put your content at the risk of getting doubted or ignored these very same visitors. The odd psychological truth behind negative trigger words is that it makes the reader feel the very thing that you don’t want them to feel when you used those words. For example, if you’re writing about a solution to handle financial strains, you don’t want to use the word “anxious” or “stress” in your copy because it can evoke those very emotions. If you want your website to come off as trustworthy, you don’t want to use the word “unsafe,” even if it’s used in the context of, “We don’t want you to feel unsafe.” Instead of saying that, a more positive way to phrase your copy would be, “We want you to feel safe.” This will do a much better job at putting your audience at ease.

If you haven’t yet, sign up as an Affiliate and join Zero Parallel today.

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