Zero Parallel

Affiliate Tips: How to Evaluate Your Website’s SEO

There is no doubt that SEO is a crucial aspect of online lead generation, even with plenty of other powerful marketing strategies available. Most of the Affiliates in our network try to optimize their websites for higher SEO value because they recognize the benefits of doing so. And it’s not just our Affiliates who try to boost their SEO power – it’s millions of other competing Affiliates, businesses and marketers trying to do the same. HubSpot revealed that about 61% of marketers admitted that SEO is their main inbound marketing strategy. That alone should tell you just how competitive – and effective – SEO can truly be.

For that reason, we’ve compiled a short list of the main optimizations every online marketer should make. This list was designed for you to use as a thorough assessment of your own website(s). There are free tools that you can use on the internet for an automatic SEO evaluation, but those tools won’t exactly give you the in-depth feedback you need for each aspect on your website. Not only will we highlight these necessary optimizations, we will also elaborate on why they benefit your website and how you can easily implement them. If you’re ready to learn, keep on reading!

Optimize the Visible

Visible optimizations are, as the title explains, any changes or edits to your website that can be seen. This captures an incredibly wide range of content optimizations, including but not limited to:

Titles and Subheads: Titles and sub-headings both hold substantial SEO power for your individual pages because they are supposed to tell your readers what the rest of your content is about. The best way to optimize your titles and sub-headings would be to place strategic keywords in them; all the while making it as interesting and attention-grabbing as possible (without having it turn into clickbait).

Mobile-Friendliness: Most website templates should already be mobile-friendly, but when you optimize the look of your website, you should also be mindful of how it loads on your phone as well. More than half of all current internet searches are done on mobile, so if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, your SEO might take quite a substantial hit.

Keywords: You should already be incorporating keywords into your content, but are you intentional about focusing on a few high-ranking keywords at a time? Rather than trying to write about everything imaginable related to your niche, focus your efforts in trying to rank highly for a select few key phrases at a time before you move on to the next.

Meta Descriptions: Meta descriptions are the blurbs underneath each search result on Google and other search engines. Google itself has revealed that meta descriptions don’t bear any SEO weight on their own, but don’t let this confuse you – it does have an indirect impact on your SEO. Your meta descriptions serve as a summary of sorts to let your potential visitors know what your page is all about. It can either encourage more click-throughs or not. The higher the click-through rates, the more Google will prioritize your page. Can you start to see how meta descriptions really do play a part in your overall SEO ranking?

Once you’ve successfully implemented the necessary edits to your content, the next step is to work on the invisible optimizations.

Optimize the Invisible

Invisible content, in this sense, translates to anything that does not show up on your website per se, but it might show up on other websites and influence the way yours is perceived by visitors or ranked on Google. Here are a few examples of invisible (or off-page) SEO factors you should consider:

Backlinks: Even if you can’t see backlinks on your page, it’s still one of the weightiest SEO strategies you can employ. Try your best to get as many high quality backlinks as possible by pitching to these authority sites and writing valuable content.

Page Loading Speed: This is something you can’t see, but it can still be as much of a sore thumb as horrible design. Even if you have the best content on the web, it wouldn’t matter if your website takes a long time to load. To speed up your website, eliminate any unnecessary high-def images, animations, plugins and redirects.

For more tips on how to thoroughly evaluate your website’s SEO value, chat directly with your dedicated Account Manager. If you haven’t signed up to become an Affiliate with Zero Parallel yet, simply fill out this short online form so we can get connected with you shortly. Affiliates with Zero Parallel receive plenty of free marketing resources and valuable feedback from their Account Managers. Here at ZP, we value availability and accessibility; that’s why our Affiliates are welcomed to seek help from us 24/7. We look forward to helping you grow your online lead generation business!

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