Zero Parallel

Top Landing Page Optimization Tips

Do you want to design better landing pages? Well, who doesn’t?

The digital world we live in now is overrun by websites – everybody has one and everybody wants to make sure their website is converting. The simple fact of the matter is that it takes work.

In general, landing page optimization, upgrades and improvements, is how you can increase your overall conversions. It’s all about making adjustments. It’s similar to the game of basketball, and how a basketball player gets better by shooting more, practicing his shots and making adjustments to their game. That’s how landing page optimization works. If you are concerned about conversions on your page, then it’s important to make those adjustments.

We’re breaking down our list of five landing page optimization tips.

  1. Clean Up Clutter: There is one reason why you should reorganize your website or be mindful of the design if you are building one from scratch, and that’s bounce rates. The average person who visits your website isn’t interested in digging around and learning more about what you do. This should all be apparent in the first few seconds they see your page. In that sense, if you have a lot of clutter on your home page, your audience won’t be forgiving. They’ll be out of there as quickly as they came in. You should instead welcome them in with minimal design that isn’t overwhelming.
  1. The Fold: The key points of your landing page and your call-to-action should be above the fold. It’s like a newspaper. The first thing you see is what’s at the very top of the page. This may seem like a no-brainer – of course, this should be placed at the top of the fold – but you’d be surprised. That’s the kind of mistake that’ll effect your conversions. In doing this, you can also make sur people can “read on being comfortable that they know what to do when the urge to buy arrives.”
  1. The Experience: The importance of a good user experience can’t be stressed enough. What does your menu look like? Do you have a lot of sections? Is there any chance your consumer may get lost in the navigation of your site or become overwhelmed? We sometimes forget about the person we are designing our sites for, and any kind of frustration that they may have, will undoubtedly influence your bottom line.
  1. Contact Number: This one is a big one for many reasons. If your landing page doesn’t have a phone number, your consumer may have a trust issue with you. The fact that they can call and be connected with you is a huge plus. It’s also important to have a phone number on your website because most of your visitors will probably be visiting your landing page from a mobile device. If they can click and connect with you instantly, you want to make sure you don’t lose out on mobile traffic.
  1. Media: The best part about having video on your landing page is that you can “convey a complex idea without bogging your visitors down with reams of text.” You’ll be surprised how many visitors would love watching a two-minute video that helps them digest all the information that is offered in the form of content. It’s also great for SEO! 









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